What To Love About The Graco DuoGlider Stroller


With the wide variety of strollers in today’s marketplace, it is difficult to know which one is best. The Graco DuoGlider was designed to satisfy parents’ most important concerns for their children and their lifestyles. This stroller comes in a variety of prints, and it is easy to maintain and clean.

The DuoGlider is designed to hold two children. The children can sit directly on the seat, or parents can snap up to two SnugRide car seats onto the frame. The stroller features stadium seating, which gives both children a nice perspective while they ride. Children are held in place by a five-point harness, which goes over the shoulders, around the waist, and between the legs.

Seats are spacious and comfortably padded. The rear seat on the stroller lays completely flat, which allows infants and toddlers to nap comfortably while still strapped into the harness. Both seats recline, and both have canopies and foot rests. Both seats also feature a storage tray with a cup holder for baby’s drinks and toys. Each seat can hold a child weighing up to forty pounds, which nicely accommodates a family as it grows.

The DuoGlider is easy to store and maneuver. The stroller features a one-hand, self-standing fold, and it easily fits into a car trunk for travel. For maneuverability and safety, the stroller is designed with lockable front swivel wheels. The base is wide, and the seats are placed deep in the frame for maximum stability.

A wide variety of colors and designs are available to suit any parent. The Kinsey model features a brown frame and rain cover, while the seats are covered with neutral polka dots against a light blue background. The Lowery model, with its brown and tan frame, has seats covered in a brown quilted pattern topped in olive green. The Pippin also has a brown and tan frame, but it features olive green seats topped with an elephant print. A contrasting striped fabric makes up the border around the rain cover.

DuoGlider strollers feature two other patterns, named Sahara and Wilshire. The Sahara has a brown and tan frame, with giraffe fabric on the seats and a giraffe print both on top of the seats and around the rain cover. The Wilshire features a blue-gray frame and rain cover, and a plaid seat, topped with slate green.

Caring for a Graco stroller is easy. The first step is to remove the seat pad, unfastening the harnesses to free the pad. The seat pad can be washed in the washing machine, in cold water, and it should be hung up to dry. The next step is to take a bucket of clean, soapy water (about one teaspoon of soap to two cups of water) and a sponge. Then, the frame and seat should be washed with the soapy sponge. The seat pad then goes back on, and the harnesses are threaded back through the slots.

Parents need a stroller that is safe, convenient, and durable. Considering all of the dribbling bottles, crushed food, and messy accidents that are part of life, parents also need a stroller that cleans up quickly and easily. The Graco DuoGlider was designed with safety and convenience in mind. It comes in a variety of eye-catching designs, and cleaning is a cinch.

Source by Shawnee Wagner