Tips For Buying Sports Tickets


Purchasing sports tickets can either be a very easy situation or become an unbarring ordeal. Much depends on how well the team is playing, the match up for the game and what part of the season it is. Of course getting tickets for a bad match up when your team is well below five hundred at the end of the season is a lot easier then getting tickets to the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees in game seven fighting it out for the division title and a spot in the World Series. Such great and classic match ups as the example above are what makes sports so entertaining and for fans the supply and demand factors of tickets become a major factor.

No matter what your favorite team or favorite sport to watch there is always a way to get a good seat to a game. The best way to locate sports tickets is always to buy them direct when they go on sale from the stadium or arena. In order to procure tickets for the date and match up you want you must look early at the schedules and call the day tickets go on sale. The advantage of this method is that you will be able to get great location of choice and all at face value. The major problem with this is that most great foreseen games will sell out fast and you may be purchasing the sports tickets months in advance of the actual game day.

If you did not even think about buying tickets for say a baseball game at the beginning of the season, but now the season has progressed and your team is doing surprisingly well and you want to see what has turned into a great unexpected match up you still have options. The best way to secure some last minute sports tickets is the use of a ticket broker. Ticket brokers on average cost about thirty percent more then original face value, however, you get to have a better choice of seating without the pressures. For games which are high in demand and for premium seating the costs can become quite astonishing and if money is no worry then you may get great seats to any event anytime you wish.

Other Ways To Obtain Sports Tickets

Most people money is a major factor in purchasing tickets. Most true sports fans really prefer face value tickets and paying three hundred dollars for a ticket to a football game seems utterly ridiculous. The great thing about sports is that the fan base is huge. In today’s world of easy communications sports fans can reach out to each other from the corners of the world. Through Internet forums and groups it is easy to locate one which is related to a specific sport and team. Use a simple search and then post to the group the sports tickets you are in need of. Simply leave your email and soon you will be receiving information. The best part of using related online forums and groups is that fans often just want to unload extra tickets to get the money back and are happy to let them go at face value making a fellow sports fan happy.

There are always the more risky ways to purchase your tickets for any sport. These ways are more risky because they involve actually going to the event with no sure way to get in. Using scalpers has always been a last ditch effort. This should always be avoided as the chances of being taken advantage of are high. Odds are you will pay a lot of money for a ticket which still does not get you in. You are much better off paying the extra money over face value to a ticket broker.

Going to the “will call” booth is a great option which may have some canceled sports tickets last minute and get you a premium seat at face value. Many times patrons will show up and pick up their tickets from will call and have extras as friends and family canceled last minute. Many fans have been known to have the sports tickets just given to them, as these were bonuses from a job which they never paid for anyway. If all this fails you may have to go “grass roots” and make a small card board sign with big lettering saying something witty such as “Will Cry For Any Extra Tickets.” Many times just a little attention can score a great seat to a hot spots event no matter how impossible attending may seem.

Source by Al Terry