Riser Recliner Chairs – The Best Riser Recliner Chair Ideas and Reviews


A comfy Riser Recliner chair is one of life’s great delights. Ergonomics, advanced design and top-notch technology unite, to bring you the amazing comfort in these chairs. A proper seating position permits you to carry out various daily tasks with ease and in a relaxed manner. It is very important that the attributes of a riser recliner match with your body shape and needs.

The best recliners can offer huge health benefits to people suffering from various health issues. Electric riser chairs allow you to sit in and get up from the chair very easily. They are effortless to use and are controlled with a handset. Recliner chair is an excellent tool for people who are afflicted with mobility problems. If you want to lead an independent life without the need of asking people for help to lift you out of your chair, this is your solution.

Most of the recliner sofa can be controlled with a remote device. The chairs are very user-friendly and easy to use. The functioning is very smooth and they can be operated without much hassle. There are several types of recliners like electric, manual, massage chairs, risers, flex-steel recliners, swivel, rocker and combination recliner.

1. Electric – It has a motor that allows the chair to recline the back of the chair and lift the footrest.

2. Electric riser chair – This chair is usually used for someone who is disabled and is not able to move on their own. These riser chairs are equipped with a remote device to operate them. One can lean against the recliner sofa and move it to the sitting position. This chair can be customized to suit your height and body shape.

3. Massage chairs – People who are suffering from body aches can use this as a massage doctor. There are generally four types of massage controls staring from rolling, kneading, and leading to compression and percussion, which can be varied on your need on a particular day. These massages can even be pre-programmed for the entire week to provide a range of massages.

4. Rocker and Swivel chair – These chairs can swivel or rock for your contentment and comfort.

5. Manual chair – This chair is not fitted with electronic devices. This is simple to handle and has a lever with which you can lift the chair as well as recline it.

Riser recliner chairs can be complemented with a sofa-set to present a striking lounge setting for you to enjoy. These chairs can be fitted with cup holders, built-in trays and other comfortable choices for the recliner aficionado.

Source by Liane K Spenser