How I Met My Soulmate – A Psychic Medium’s Experience


What would it take for two mediums from different countries to meet and get married one year later? Why, Spirit intervention of course!

I had been developing my psychic abilities for many years and decided to travel from Toronto Canada to Ohio US for a week long advanced public mediumship course. I went with some girlfriends and at that time had just reached that golden point where I was truly happy being single. So when I arrived in the class, I took little notice of the only man in the course.

My girlfriend, however, found an instant connection with him as they were both Italian. She was flirty and coy – I’d never seen her like this before! I figured she was really interested in him, so it was with some surprise that she told me later that day in our hotel room that she wasn’t. “What about you? Are you interested in Ron?” she asked. “No way!” I told her. Little did I know that Spirit was about to play matchmaker.

The next day, we practiced giving messages in front of the class. If you’ve ever seen the TV program Crossing Over with John Edward, you have an idea of how it works. A student stands in front of the group and gives a message to someone from the Spirit of someone who has passed.

“Who’s going to go next?” the teacher asked. “Ron, why don’t you give a message to Selina.” Standing in front of the class, Ron tells me he has my Mom with him and she is humming a tune. “What is that song? It goes something like…shot through the heart”, he sings. “And you’re to blame”, sings someone else. “That’s it! You give love a bad name,” he proclaims pointing his finger at me.

As the class erupted in laughter and I turned several shades of red, Ron realized he had put his foot in his mouth and retracted the last line. “That’s not the message”, he said. “The message is that there is someone who is trying to shoot an arrow into your heart but your heart is closed so it can’t get through.” Little did I realize it was him.

At break time I stood out in the parking lot to soak up some of the sun. Ron was talking on his cell phone a lot. “Hmph!” I thought. “Must be a partier with that many friends.” And with that, I closed my eyes.

Ron was in the parking lot and bent over to pick up a lucky penny. He looked at it and saw that it was a Canadian penny. Not much chance of finding a Canadian penny in Ohio. Just then another student walked up to him and said, “I have a message to give you. Your destiny is over your right shoulder.” Ron turned to look over his right shoulder and saw me standing there. “I’ll help you”, my Mom whispered in his ear. “I’ll tell you when.”

The last night we were staying we were going to give messages in front of people at a party. The house it was at was spectacular and had an elevator, a movie room complete with theatre chairs and a large screen, a gym, and the biggest living room I have ever seen. There must have been 50 people seated waiting for use to give messages from Loved Ones. It was a tough crowd and after the messages I had a headache. Feeling low, I saw Ron and mentioned my headache.

“Now!” my mom suddenly said in his ear. “Uh, would you like me to give you a healing? We can go outside.” Ron is a Reiki Master. “Sure,” I replied.

Outside we sat on a bench and Ron put his hand on my back. I felt the warmth of energy starting to flow. Then he said, “They are telling me that you need to talk.”

Now what possessed me to tell this man my entire life story, I’ll never know. But out it all came – my childhood, mom’s death, my 1st marriage and divorce, my unhappiness with my job – everything. And he listened with compassion and grace.

“This man has nice energy”, I thought to myself. “And he has nice eyes too.” All of a sudden, I was open to him. He had accepted everything that I had told him without judgment. And then the party was over, and we all went back to the hotel.

The next morning, we were all leaving to go back to our respective homes. Ron came over and held both my hands, looked into my eyes and asked, “We’ll stay in touch?” Before I could open my mouth, my girlfriend said, “The teacher is going to email a contact list.” And with that, goodbyes were said.

I didn’t hear from Ron for a couple of weeks. The contact list was never sent. He was in the middle of emailing the teacher to ask for the list for the third time when his computer suddenly turned off and on. When the screen came back on he had a sudden thought to look through his old messages. He found one that had a list of people who were staying at the hotel in Ohio in case people wanted to share rooms. My email was on it.

He sent me a short email with his phone number. I hemmed and hawed. Did I call him? Did I really want to start something? Now that I was back in Toronto, I had been thinking about him, but he was in a different country far away after all.

It was about 8:30pm that night and Ron was at home talking on the phone with a friend. My mom whispered to him, “She is going to call at 9pm.” “I’m expecting a call from Selina. She’s going to call at 9pm, so I have to go”, he told his friend.

Meanwhile in Toronto, I’m still undecided. “Oh why not?” I exclaimed to myself as I picked up the phone and dialed.

“Hello?” “Hi. It’s Selina. Is it too late to call?” “Oh no, it’s just 9. How are you?” And so the conversation went. Many phone calls later, we were to meet for my birthday in Lily Dale, a Spiritualist community in New York state.

We were sitting by the dock after we had finished dinner. It was evening and the stars were coming out. “Say something about the stars!” whispered my Mom to Ron. “Look, the stars are coming out!” he said. I had always loved the starry night. How romantic! There was a chilly breeze and Ron snuggled up to keep me warm. And then our first kiss.

From there it was like magic. Ron sold his house and moved to Toronto. There were so many synchronicities we both knew that we had help from the Other Side. We are not only mediums, we are also both Reiki healers. Many of our nights were spent talking about psychic experiences, and giving each other messages and healings. We even cleared some houses of ghosts together. I had finally met my soulmate, thanks to the Spirit World!

Source by Selina Khan