Finding The Perfect Sleeper Sofa Bed


Defining the concept of a sleeper sofa

A vital question to address, is “what are sleeper sofas really?” Also referred to as a ‘sofa bed,’ these are essentially couches that have a foldaway bed under the seats. They are typically easy to just ‘pull out’ in situations where an extra bed is needed, and they are certainly more comfortable than overnighting on a couch.

The design is such that it hides a bed underneath the seat cushions of the couch, by way of a folding frame and mattress. In effect to open the bed – you need to take the seat cushions off to be able to unfold the mattress, via pulling on a handle or metal bar, which will lift and expand the framing. Once the frame has been expanded fully – the bed is ready to be covered with bedding, quickly and easily turn any space into a guest room.

Buying guide:

Types of Sleepers

Sleepers can vary in their form and size that may range from a sleeper chair and double-seated couch sofa (that typically expand to a double bed size) to more spacious units, such as a queen and sectional beds (that offer more comfort than smaller variants). When making your purchase – ensure to take proper measurements of your available space, before going to a store (to be sure the unit will fit once the bed has been expanded).

Mattresses to Fit

An important aspect to pay attention to, when you’re deciding on a particular type of unit, is its mattress. Over the years, and especially recently, manufacturers have notably improved the mattresses that go inside the sofas. Sleeper sofas are now often available with an assortment of mattress options – from almost 13cm coils, memory foam, an air and coil combination and ‘gel-infused’ memory foam. If you’re looking for something versatile that will suit the needs of a diverse range of users, including yourself, make sure you ask for a bed retailer’s expert advice.

5 Benefits:

1. Kids’ slumber parties and sleepovers

Having a sleeper sofa in your living room or spare room offers an easy go-to when your kids have their friends over for a slumber party or simply just a movie night. Besides that it provides a great alternative to having kids sleep head-to-toe with their friends – it can also reduce the late night noise by way of being further away from your bedroom!

2. Guests that only stay a night or two

These types of expandable couch-beds are bound to be a convenient and useful addition to your living room when your ‘overeager jolly drunk’ friend needs to crash for the night or your relatives want to stay overnight. It provides a more suitable and cosy sleeping option than a troublesome air mattress.

3. When a family member gets injured or falls ill

If you want to avoid catching whichever contagious illness your spouse has or avoid your one child catch the others’ cold/flu – sending them to sleep in the living room or den will keep you healthy and comfortable while you stay away from the germs.

If someone is unable to climb stairs and/ or is bedridden – having a sleeper downstairs could be their salvation. Being able to park an injured or old relative in front of the TV on the sleeper could save you and them plenty of hassle.

4. Air-BnB bed

If you rent out your home from time-to-time to travels – adding more sleeping space could be in your favour. By being able to accommodate more people – you’ll be able to charge more for the same space. Alternatively, you could transform your living room or an extra room into a rentable room, with minimal space, by adding a few basic appliances etc.

5. Emergency bed

Having a couch-cum-bed, or even two, in your basement could make waiting out a storm more comfortable, whilst staying safe during emergency situations.

Well, I hope this article will help you decide on the best sleeper couches for your needs.

Source by Bonnita Kingston