Aeron Chairs and Ergonomics


Ergonomics is a term dating only as far back as the 1940s. It well describes the science of adapting work and working conditions to suit the worker instead of the other way around – the worker adapting to the machine.

One of the most interesting things about the science of ergonomics (or perhaps the most frustrating) is the fact that all individuals are of different height, weight, arms and hand size, etc. People have so many different dimensions that the combinations are practically endless. So ergonomics can be seen as a sort of an ongoing convoluted puzzle with missing pieces.

With the immense expansion in the use of computers and associated equipment in the workplace comes the need for less injury and stress to the workers themselves. The long hours many of us spend interacting with our office equipment affect us in many ways – and not always in a positive way.

Unfortunately, gone is the physical variety in our work tasks, as almost all we need is within reach at our desk. And thus comes work-related injuries and other stresses.

Think office-related injuries are a joke? Think again. The 5 main injury sites for an office worker include the neck, shoulders, lower back, wrist and yes, the ankles and legs. If pain is impeding your ability to go to work – that affects your weekly paycheck which in turn, affects your creditors, which in turn affects your whole family’s lifestyle.

That’s why office furniture manufacturers have stepped in to offer more ergonomically correct chairs and workspace equipment for a healthier work environment.

Aeron chairs were designed for long-term seating for computer work, general office work, and casual or formal meetings by using the principles of ergonomics to minimize back pressure and strain on all areas of the torso.

Source by Reggie Andersen