Advantages and Disadvantages of a Convertible Sofa Bed


Perhaps, a lot of people already heard of the very popular convertible sofa beds. These beds have become the solution for people who live in a small house and for college students who stay in tiny apartment units and dormitories. Such beds are really well known because of the dual function they offer. And ever since they first come out in the market, a lot of people have tried and purchased one. However, not many people are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of owning a convertible sofa bed.

First of all, a convertible sofa bed is indeed a very useful piece of furniture. It is cool and functional. Obviously, as its name implies, it may be used both as a sofa and a bed. It is very ideal for a small space because its owner does not have to buy a separate sofa and bed. This sits around just like any ordinary sofa during the day. But when night time comes and its owner has to sleep, he just needs to move the throw pillows aside and pull the folded mattress toward him. It is really very simple and easy to set up. And in addition, they are very helpful whenever a visitor comes and there is no extra bed in the house; or when the homeowner does not want to spend extra time in preparing another bed. After all, such sleepovers are infrequent.

There are also ones with stain resistant fabrics. Most of them are made of durable materials and they may fit through any doorway size. However, a convertible sofa bed is typically very heavy. A lot of people complain that cannot be easily moved and transferred from one location to another. Some would not fit in narrow stairs, and some are just very uncomfortable to sleep on. Nevertheless, not all of them are heavy. In fact, there are several lightweight models. Moreover, there are sofa beds with really unique styles.

Source by Pinky Savika