4 Types Of Office Layouts


The layout of your office determines your business culture. It also determines your output and that of your employees. There are many types of office layouts that you can go with. The most common being:

Cellular office

A cellular office is made up of sequentially arranged offices or cubicles. The offices can be for one person or more people. The cubicles or offices are located along the building façade and you access them from the shared hallways. The good thing about this layout is that it promotes autonomous work. It also allows you to focus more on your work without displaying it to the public. Studies also show that most employees feel secure when they are working in a cellular office.

Combination office

The layout is similar to that you find in a cellular office but here the offices surround common spaces instead of being connected by hallways. Just like in a cellular office layout, your employees have increased productivity as they concentrate on the tasks at hand. When they have something they would like to discuss, they can always discuss it in the common area. Experts recommend this type of layout when the employees have to regularly shift between individual tasks and teamwork.

Open office plan

This layout is characterized by no or low partitions. The employees might share one large table or have separate desks. While each employee has a distinct sitting area with a chair and computer, the entire workspace is shared. The main advantage with this layout is that it promotes a sense of community in the workplace. Due to the open nature, the employees are able to communicate better. If they are handling a team project, they are able to complete it fast as they communicate better.

Another advantage of the layout is that it saves a lot of space. According to experts, the layout is able to hold up to 50% more workstations than in the common cellular setup.

Co-working set up

Here, no employee has a specific working area. The chairs and computers are used by the person who gets there first. The layout is ideal for self-employed people that don’t have a working space of their own. When they pay a small fee they get to enjoy all the benefits of a workspace.


These are some of the ways in which you can set up your working space. To have an easy time you should work with an expert who will guide you on the best layout to go with depending on your needs.

Source by Idd Aziz